What Exactly Are Traffic Exchanges?

In simple terms, a Traffic Exchange is a service you can join to generate free traffic to your site. How it works is you view other members web pages in exchange for having your own web page viewed. Every time you view another member’s web page for a period of time (for example 20 seconds) your balance of credits increases. Every time a member views your web page for the same period of time your credit balance decreases.

There are two main types of traffic exchanges – manual exchanges and auto exchanges. A manual exchange requires a real human being to view the web page and click on a link to proceed to the next web page. An auto exchange can be left running in your web browser and will automatically refresh to a new web page.

Although both of these methods will bring hits to your website, the use of a manual exchange is far more likely to bring a visitor who will actually read what is on your web page. The auto exchange user who leaves their computer on all night, surfing web pages while they sleep is unlikely to buy your product.
This blog is a common sense guide to marketing online. There are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly.

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