Just Smile Politely and Back Away

When your...
tells you that you
ever make your living online, what do you do?

When they say that your idea is
and idiotic...

When they say that everything that costs money on the
Internet is a SCAM, if it wasn't, it would be free...

...What do you say?

And when they tell you that the free stuff on the net isn't
worth anything, or else they would CHARGE for it...

...What do you say?

More to the point...

...When they're trying DESPERATELY to DRAG YOU down into the same
muck and mire of failed dreams and lost hope that they're in...

...What do you do??

Here's what I do...

I smile politely and back away.

Because both they and their words are POISON to my success.
This blog is a common sense guide to marketing online. There are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly.

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